Sunday, April 29, 2012

Will Draw 4 Food

Now, while it may be considered cliché to call oneself a 'starving artist', there's a good reason for that term. While I, as a teenager surrounded by the food my parants bought, have no experience or even the right to call myself a 'starving artist', I thought I'd play up the term a bit.

The teenager still living in a house stocked full of food does not count. She has, however, begun to understand what an artist goes through to make money. Even if said money is fictional currency on a kids website.

Enough rambling, on to the picture. 
As something quick that I whipped up in 30 minutes, this one's really not bad at all. I was going for maximum cuteness, so if you die of cuteness OD... sorry.
The character seen here is my 'fursona'. A fursona is basically a person would they be an animal. It is the basics of someone's personality that has been given the physical form of any animal. The markings or accessories on a fursona help better symbolize the personality the fursona is trying to represent.
The shading is good, if a tad messy, the lines are simple and effective, and the coloring is solid. There is, however, a major anatomy flaw. The back legs and flank are far too small and squished to be realistic, although the paws are stylistically blank, the left one is a tad too large.
Other than that, though, I really like this 1/2 hour peace of art.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

All right! More on my Lyra story. I've officially named it now and it's The Selling of Dreams.
The Selling of Dreams will be a full length novel, and the chapters will be posted here as they're made - Charles Dickens style. 

What, you may wonder, is going on here. Well, I can't tell you. It's a teaser to get you excited about the story. Be excited. 
All I can tell you is that the character on the left is Lyra, and the one on the right is Leo.

Onto the official art-bashing!
... What can I say, I'm really proud of this one. It looks like I'm going to have to be nitpicky on this one. Well, Leo's shoulder is sort of lopsided... one of his claws is awkward... the back of Lyra's head looks weird...
Aaand that's all I can really pull out of this one.
I can't take credit for the rain, though. That was a stock image that I edited. 

I need you guys on this one, I'm not really able to critique this one on my own.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Bad words? No Problem!

Don't you hate it when you're sitting and listening to a song, and in the middle of you enjoying yourself someone drops an f-bomb. It jolts you out of your zone, puts a frown on your face, and prevents you from enjoying the rest of the song. Moment ruined.
If not... never mind.
If so, then we both know the feeling of being upset like that.

Well, I've decided to fix that. I want to go through and find all those songs I like but I can't listen to because there's not a clean version in sight. I just downloaded the free audio editor Audacity and began my quest.

Starting with You're Gonna Go Far Kid:

See if you can find where I edited out the f-word. If you can, you win a free internet.

What? This doesn't fit in my blog? It's not art?
...I'm stretching my audio editing skills. It counts!

- The Teenage Artist