Tuesday, April 17, 2012

All right! More on my Lyra story. I've officially named it now and it's The Selling of Dreams.
The Selling of Dreams will be a full length novel, and the chapters will be posted here as they're made - Charles Dickens style. 

What, you may wonder, is going on here. Well, I can't tell you. It's a teaser to get you excited about the story. Be excited. 
All I can tell you is that the character on the left is Lyra, and the one on the right is Leo.

Onto the official art-bashing!
... What can I say, I'm really proud of this one. It looks like I'm going to have to be nitpicky on this one. Well, Leo's shoulder is sort of lopsided... one of his claws is awkward... the back of Lyra's head looks weird...
Aaand that's all I can really pull out of this one.
I can't take credit for the rain, though. That was a stock image that I edited. 

I need you guys on this one, I'm not really able to critique this one on my own.

1 comment:

  1. One thing an artist never does is give away secrets! Doesn't matter how you did the rain - the fact is it looks fantastic! The rest is just pure amazing!
