Thursday, December 15, 2011

On to animations.
As you may have noticed due to the fact that I'm posting a video here, I make animations. This one here is my best work. Next week, I'll post my first one, and you get to compare them.

Starting off with the song - This animation (or, Flipnote, as it's called on the site I post it to) is set to one of my favorite songs, Fireflies by Owl City. Not much can be said on this topic, save that this is a beautiful recording.
All my animations are made on my DSi, and so the audio must first be recorded before it can be used. This can lead to very poor sounding recordings that have ruined many a good animation.

Now for the art.
As the best work I've done, I am obviously quite proud of it. However there are mistakes that I made out of sheer lazyness. The most obvious is during the 'I'd like to make myself believe' section of the stanza. I failed to recognize correct anatomy, and the animation is quite choppy. Even during the simple heart-and-word effect, the animation coud be improved.
Other than that, though, It's great.

- The Teenage Artist


  1. Awesome.. lol when it first came out I wanted to watch it for a long time and add so many stars. And the fur blowing is so smooth I wish I can do that..
