Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Shining Cross

Hooray! My first bit of traditional work uploaded here.
This fun little piece was actually done today. Water colors and oil pastels on... paper...
As the first time I've touched oil pastels and water colors in six years, it's actually a decent job. I'm quite fond of the grass which, unfortunately, could not quite be captured on my camera. I blame the lack of a scanner. From what little of the grass you see, I'll have to tell you that I used two different greens and several differing opaquenesses (is that even a word?) using multiple levels of water. Oh, water colors, how I missed you.
The cool shine effect was done by cutting out a cross from a sheet of cardboard and scribbling on it with the oils, then smearing it with my finger.

Enough of the good stuff, on to the bad. First off, I got a dot on my cross! The point of the piece was to keep the cross perfectly white to have it stand out in stark contrast with the rest of the colors, and to symbolize Jesus's purity. But I got a smudge on it. Sad face.
The clouds. Good gracious, the clouds. They look like... nothing I've ever seen. I couldn't get them to quite work. And it's actually the cloud's fault I got a smudge on my cross in the first place!
The sun is okay. I shouldn't have filled it in with that other yellow, but other than that it's decent.
The sky. Just the sky. I just messed it up so much that I have nothing more to say about it. I broke the first rule of novice-water-color-usage and tried to use black. To horrid outcome. As you can see.

So this piece is an odd mix of success and failure. The grass and shiney stuff really make my day, but that horrid splotch of black in the sky really draws attention away from the white cross. The clouds look like pieces of poo, and I got a smear on my cross.
So I don't really know what to call this one.

Your call. I need you guys to critique this one for me. Failure or success? Good or bad?

- The Teenage Artist

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